Tuesday, December 13, 2016

essay 2                                        Future modern ICT trends 

Now, the worldwide population is about nine billions people, but from the ancient times society has worked hard to develop, to improve life standards, to discover and to control everything on the Earth and also what it is beyond its limits. The last two decades in which many advancements in the IT technology were registered is argued that might have brought a lot of good new opportunities or a series of serious consequences for the population.

A big percent of the global population enjoy using the actual technology in order to make their lives more easy, interesting, or even more affordable. To begin, the enormous network known as World Wide Web which help people to keep themselves informed about the things that are happening across the world, to link new virtual relationships, to download entertaining materials like music or movies, and to continue, the simple idea of communication through email that help normal individual but also big companies from any part of the globe to stay in touch with his or her friends and of course their business partners.

Modern information and communication technologies have created a "global village," in which people can communicate with others across the world as if they were living next door. 
The ICT  Development Index ranks and compares the level of ICT use and access across the various countries around the world. In 2014 ITU (International Communications Union) released the latest rankings of the IDI, with Denmark attaining the top spot, followed by South Korea. The top 30 countries in the rankings include most high-income countries where quality of life is higher than average, which includes countries from Europe and other regions such as "Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Japan, Macao (China), New Zealand, Singapore and the United States; almost all countries surveyed improved their IDI ranking this year.Information communication technologies play a role in facilitating accelerated pluralism in new social movements today. The internet according to Bruce Bimber is "accelerating the process of issue group formation and action" and coined the term accelerated pluralism to explain this new phenomena. ICTs are tools for "enabling social movement leaders and empowering dictators" in effect promoting societal change. ICTs can be used to garner grassroots support for a cause due to the internet allowing for political discourse and direct interventions with state policy as well as change the way complaints from the populace are handled by governments.

Internet- Who comprised one of the most significant advances in the history of the Internet.Internet service providers of all companies connected companies, providers higher levels of service to your line.Internet service Currently, we are running in to provide network services.

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